Since I began travelling age 6 months (thanks Mum and Dad!) travel has taught me many lessons. Be curious, celebrate difference, explore further, try that street food if the stall is popular with locals. This month on Travel Linkup we’re sharing these lessons and we’d love to hear about yours! For myself, there’s one lesson that carries over into my non-travelling life that I try to practice every day…
Sometimes flow is pretty easy
I’m a planner by nature. To do lists adorn my desk, my pin-board, my phone. I love the satisfaction of ticking off a goal.
But sometimes, the best fun is spontaneous and the best discoveries are those you didn’t read about, bookmark, or see in a top 20 list.
And that’s the greatest lesson travel has taught me. Sometimes, it’s best to follow your nose. Jump on those bikes, explore down that little alley, race towards the sunset to find a panorama. Take a breath, walk slower, admire your surroundings. I try to keep this little piece of magic in my daily life – you never know what’s around the corner!