Idyllic scenes at Cornwall Park
May was gone in a flash, even though we didn’t venture far afield. Escaping the city in the middle of Auckland, beach time and watching the leaves turn – it’s been the perfect relaxing autumn month!
The views from the top of One Tree Hill in Cornwall Park
Loved the gorgeous installations at the Bright Nights festival in Viaduct Harbour
My favourite art – a smack-talking jellyfish made of reused plastic
Joe’s favourite installation – Neon Spaghetti!
A gorgeous foggy morning in my neighbourhood park
So amazing to look at!
Autumn vibes in the neighbourhood
One of my favourite old haunts, Thorne Bay
Rediscovering the city’s pretty shortcuts
May may have been relaxing quiet but June is about to get all kinds of exciting – in four days we fly back to the UK for a very flying visit! Can’t wait to see all of our friends, and check out a little music festival called GLASTONBURY!!
What does June have in store for you?